Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Grueling Two Week Wait

In general, I am not a patient person. My son is able to bring out patience in me. When he was an infant, he cried constantly, but I didn't care. When he was one, I was still getting up two or three times a night to nurse him. Now that he's a toddler, he pushes the limits constantly, yet I don't mind. So when it comes to my son, I am extremely patient. When it comes to trying to conceive, I am not. The process of waiting is absolutely unbearable for me. I am usually fine up until the "two week wait" as those of us trying to conceive affectionately call the time between ovulation and when we expect aunt flo. I am in the last few days of my two week wait. A week ago, I could have sworn I was experiencing pregnancy symptoms. I have taken three pregnancy tests since then (don't worry, they were all from the dollar store so I'm only out 3 bucks at this point). Each one was a BIG FAT NEGATIVE. I am planning take another one in the morning. I am nervous because I should technically wait until Saturday. I am so scared of losing another baby that I feel compelled to test on a Friday when I can go in to see the doctor if by some miracle I get a big fat positive. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my waiting is almost over.


  1. Good luck! I hope you get a BFP! :)

  2. Hello Jess, I came over from the TTC 2nd/3rd trimester board. *hugs* I am in the 2ww right now...just started. I was reading some of your story and found some commonalities....we both have a first trimester loss and a second trimester loss about the same point in the pregnancy. The big commonality...blood clotting disorder. *hugs* Feel free to pop over to my blog if you would like. I'll be visiting you from time to time if you don't mind.


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